Last Updated : 06 November 2012

Welcome to Peter's Motorcycle pictures site.
I've made up a new site for the pictures - it's in BLOG format since it makes maintenance work much easier for me.  It also allows me to introduce interactive features like voting and comments! Check out the new site here:
New location!

Suzuki Hayabusa Site
2008 Suzuki Hayabusa Pics

Site is USUALLY updated at the end/start of each month.
Next update is due around the start of April 2009! It will coincide with the move to the BLOG site - I think you'll enjoy the new gallery formats:

If you wish your email attached with your picture pls tell me in the email/pictures that you send otherwise none will be included.

Pls don't save this Email address as it will change often (Due to Viruses and Spam).  Any tech problems with the images pls send to this address too.

Pls try to send images that are either 640 x 480 or 800x600 in size (Not essential but would be really nice :-). You don't have to compress them as I do it for you before posting on the site. This is so that I can ensure viewing quality - Thank You !  (I also blank out plates numbers.)


Lots of people are customising their bikes and some with lots of modifications that simply make ownership more satisfying.  Nothing beats knowing that your bike is unique and pleasing to the eye. I think it all went mainstream when fluffy dice were made for sale !  Besides I actually enjoy seeing all the pictures.

Anyway pictures are a great way of planning you own
enhancements for your bike regardless of whether its
a Hayabusa or not.  Draw inspiration from others then send them in.  You could be the Picture Of the Month Winner !

What sort of pictures can you send?

I receive lots of interesting ones mainly those of the Hayabusa. But pictures of other motorcycles are more than welcome. 

The Picture/Pictures of the month (POTM)

I have receive quite a few pictures in the past and many of them really great stuff you won't find in one place.
But some have that extra something that demands to be placed on the front page !

Me and some friends including the Goldfish and make the
decision on the POTM winner.
(The Neons have departed :(

It is made on the day of the update.

The criteria is simple :

- A good location and angle (artistic elements).
- Standout integration of modifications.
- Unique modification.

- Judged against those received in the appropriate month.

The Prize ???

The only prize on offer is the satisfaction
that thousands of other bike fans see your great bike picture !

Latest: I am preparing a cool prize - its going to be online and you will make a difference.

Site Objective

Allow motorcycle and interested fans the best
motorcycle pictures that can be found on the Net.


Picture of the month - POTM

New links are up to the new
Motorcycle Pictures Site!
The galleries have all been updated.
Please update.

Picture Galleries

New Hayabusa Gallery 1
New Hayabusa Gallery 2
New Hayabusa Gallery 3
New Hayabusa Gallery 4
New Hayabusa Gallery 5
New Hayabusa Gallery 6
New Hayabusa Gallery 7
New Hayabusa Gallery 8
New Hayabusa Gallery 9
New Hayabusa Gallery 10
New Hayabusa Gallery 11
New Hayabusa Gallery 12
New Hayabusa Gallery 13
New Hayabusa Gallery 14

New Hayabusa Gallery 15
New Hayabusa Gallery 16

Hayabusa Model History in pictures

New Other Bikes Gallery 1
New Other Bikes Gallery 2

My pictures 1

Satellite and GPS images

Video Galleries

Motorcycle video feature
Hayabusa Ads


*To keep space and bandwidth usage down only the highest quality pictures will be kept on an on-going basis.
*Some larger images sent have been reduced in size but the quality of the images are preserved as much as technically possible.  Why ?  I can get significant reduction in file size for different images dependent on content without quality loss.  I can't post 1/2 a meg images cause I'll run out of server space and bandwidth very quickly.  Beside it'll take people without ADSL hours to down stuff.
* Ads are used to support bandwidth costs,

*Not all images sent in will be posted.

So if you see a pic on sale board eg. Ebay etc.. be weary that it may not actually be the bike you're buying.  See it in the flesh before making any decision.

I did do a watermark as a trial for October '04 but its too much effort and is doesn't the the pictures justice.

Copyright of the pictures are held by their respective owners.  If you want to use them you should contact the relevant owner. 
It is inevitable that some ownership cannot be
verified because I can't check everything !
If there is a problem email to verify ownership and I shall have them removed or re-credited.



Picture copyrights and trademarks are held by their respective submitters and other entities.

Site content and associated graphic design.
© Copyright 2000 - 2017 Peter Lee.